Day 14 - Aussie Road Crew

This photo shows four of our lovely ARC friends - Chris, Beccy, Bill (Bumcrack) and Libby. It was taken before our final dinner and concert at the Crows Nest Tourist Park. It's a shame the backdrop building is the laundry and toilets 🤔

This is the last day on this ARC tour. After our final Beccy Breakfast we drove into Crows Nest. As it is Sunday not much was open, but we did get newspapers. 

This fabulous old building has recently been sold. It was a well known antiques store. There is a village green in this small town with an avenue of colourful trees.

Crows Nest is said to be the only town in Australia named after an Aboriginal person - Jim Crow. Some Aboriginal cultures don't like to hear the name of deceased persons, or see their images, so naming the town after him and having a statue might be seen as inappropriate in some circles. The upright hollow log represents the type of home he lived in during the 1800s, known as Jimmy Crow's Nest.

We were too early for lunch at the pub so headed back to the caravan park which has a restaurant open to the public. Coffee and cheesecake was sufficient for my lunch.

We plan to leave early tomorrow morning so I cleaned and lubricated towing parts, and packed away as much as possible. We are parked on a steep slope so cannot hook up to the Toyota until morning or the Bushtracker would be way off level. 

There was intermittent rain but Blue and Tilly did get time outside in their playpen. One wheel on the van seems to have leaked bearing grease as evidenced by the dust stuck to the hub. Hopefully there will be no issues with this wheel on our drive home.

Tilly was sleeping on top of their shared crate - most of the time she prefers the top, but when we return from evening concerts she is often asleep on the bed inside the crate. She has a doughnut bed for cold nights, but sometimes Blue squeezes himself into that until it is time for him to go to bed.

Our dinner was roast beef or pork, followed by sticky date pudding or apple crumble. The concert was an all-in jam session with Beccy, Libby, Amber Joy Poulton (not Poultry as appears on a Facebook post), Anthony Taylor and Kelly Brouhaha. 

Beccy presented me with an ARC chef's hat as thanks for washing up the breakfast dishes. She appreciates the job being done properly so hygiene is not compromised. I was also allocated the job of giving out ARC tea towels to other "dish angels" who helped with wiping up and washing the tea towels.

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