Past Couple of Days

We took Blue for a walk around the park where the Dog Obedience School classes are held. He seemed to recognise the area and was delighted when we let him off his lead in the middle of the large field so he could run between me and Anita on the command "come". He got overexcited and started to forget to sit in front of us when he arrived so we stopped that game. At least he slept soundly during our lunch at the Salt Cafe.

Yesterday I trimmed a branch off the tree overhanging our driveway because it was touching the Toyota. It was too large for the rubbish bin so I had to break it up and take it to the waste transfer station as a donation to the green waste pile. As I was leaving I had to give way to ducks. 

Anita took me for Sunday lunch at the Garden Restaurant at the casino. We shared a cold seafood platter and she stayed on to the play the pokies. I went home to continue training Blue to wear his muzzle and boots. I put everything on because the muzzle stopped him removing his boots, and with his boots on he could not remove the muzzle. Tilly felt sorry for him! I took him outside to practise walking in his boots but he thought he would lie in the sun.

I bought a raincoat for Blue when he was very small. Tilly did not want to wear a coat branded Dapper Dog! That lovely coat has been added to the charity box.


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