Getting Ready

We enjoyed having more visitors for a few days. Blue and Tilly were very happy with extra people to play with them. Tilly keeps winning over people who do not regard themselves as cat lovers. Anita and I took time out for a quiet lunch at Nineteen at the Star casino. We both ordered our regular fish dishes.

On Friday we caught up with friends for lunch at Hot Shott. They came back to our place to see Tilly and hear about her latest antics. The worst was climbing the flyscreen on our front security door. She reached the top at 2.5m then one of her front paws landed on the metal frame and she lost her grip falling straight down to the floor. Fortunately she landed on a mat at the door, but I suspect she used up one of her nine lives. 

I have been worried about Tilly being able to escape through caravan windows so came up with an extra flyscreen made from pet mesh. Two will cover large windows when open to stop her from pushing through the caravan blinds or flyscreens. I had some screens from our bathroom so pulled out the existing flyscreen and cut them down to size before fitting them with the pet mesh. They can be removed to open and close the windows. 

Yesterday Blue had a visit to the vet to make sure he is OK after his operation. I also asked the vet to make sure he hadn't hurt himself falling downt the stairs. She laughed at Tilly's climbing antics but thought she would not continue once her weight increased as she wouldn't have the strength to hold herself onto the flyscreens - we can only hope this is the case. 

We have a lot to do over the next few days to be able to get away on Friday. With the latest COVID-19 cases around Brisbane, the possibility has been raised that other states and territories may close their borders to Queenslanders. Hopefully we won't be affected by this as we hope to participate in an Aussie Road Crew tour in South Australia later in the year. 

I washed the Jeep and the dog, but Blue managed to get his paws and snout into the blackest dirt in the garden so those bits had to be washed again.

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