Outing For Critters

Tilly has been sitting by the front door crying when I take Blue for a walk, so
we took her on an outing with both dogs. I put Tilly and Blue together in their crate for the drive. They seemed quite happy.

We put both dogs on long leads and called them to "come" for some training. Tilly had her harness on but was happy to just sit in the sun most of the time. Hugo is more relaxed with Blue and they were even seen lying within two feet of each other.

For Blue's dinner I cut up some left over steak and mixed it with dry food, then poured on a little hot water for it all to soak. The little bugger managed to pick out the small pieces of steak leaving the soaked dry food on the floor.

I caught Tilly mid yawn showing some of her teeth.

I had to register Blue with the council. I had taken him with me but the sign on the door said no dogs. I carried him inside and apologetically said I had just seen the no dogs sign. The woman who served me said he is not a dog! She could not stop looking at him and had a couple of pats through the screen - she was besotted with him so it took half an hour to complete the paperwork. 

My next stop was the bank to deposit a cheque for my father. That was easy but I had not taken the power of attorney with me so they would not allow me to cancel his credit card or change his address for that account. I had already cut up his card so am not about to waste time with more paperwork.

I spent some time glueing the loose felts back on the caravan flyscreen fittings. After I have screwed this back onto the window I will make a removeable midgie flyscreen.

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