Gardening Day

Blue and Tilly had a quiet start to their day. He was nibbling her tag and bell. As he is now taller I removed the roadworks orange bunting from around the base of our bed. Tilly can still get under but Blue would have to crawl under. If he does he hopefully can't wee under there from a crawling position. 

It was a lovely sunny day and I was able to get a few jobs finished. Spotlight no longer stocks the brackets needed for our blind to replace the one I broke during the window cleaning exercise. One blind downstairs has three brackets so I took the middle one to replace the broken bracket upstairs.

Tilly and Blue helped me do some gardening. I put her harness on and attached a lead and extra length of rope which Blue kept pulling. I moved a pile of small rocks to hide ugly irrigation covers, then spread a couple of bags of mulch and planted succulents out the back near the pool. The neighbour's tree is still dropping leaves on the pool so the leaf cover is on. Blue walked on the cover and as he got near the middle he got wet feet. This cover will probably take my weight so he just had this weird experience of water coming up between his toes and couldn't figure out where it came from.

I tested the seal around the caravan access door and it didn't leak so hopefully that repair job will last a bit longer than the initial installation. When I painted the towing hitch I forgot to paint the parts attached to the van so wire brushed them and painted on the rust converter ready for the enamel coat tomorrow.

Blue would not walk far on his lead as there were too many noises that spooked him resulting in him just sitting down and not moving. I carried him to the river park past this monster of a house. I couldn't understand the design of the roof until I was told 32 solar panels have been installed on it. The structure has ruined the views from many houses including ours, so I hope the owners appreciate the view they will have over the river. 


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