Border To Open

Today the Queensland Premier announced the borders would open on 10 July, except to Victorians. We are looking forward to having friends cross the border and come to stay with us for a few days. It will also be great to end the nonsensical Anna bashing about the Queensland border being closed, while not complaining about the other states that have also refused to open their borders.  

I spent a couple of hours tidying our laundry cupboards and drawers, finding several products we won't need to buy for several years as we have a significant oversupply. This happens because is hard to see what is at the back of the cupboards. The door hinges have started to rust so I sprayed them with Inox until I can replace them. We can't decide whether to replace the laundry cupboards and benchtop, paint both of them, or do nothing. The latter option is winning by default. 

Blue came with me to visit a friend. He stayed awake and was friendly and curious. When I walked him after we got home, I met another neighbour from the street behind us. She was walking an elderly Bichon Poodle cross. Her dog was not interested in Blue but he kept trying to engage.

My knitting has slowed down but today I finally washed some wool that was too kinky to use. This pantry shelf was used to wind on the skeins. I washed the wool by putting everything into warm water in the laundry tub then leaving the shelf with the wool outside to dry. 

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