Sociable Day

We left the little ones at home when we went out for breakfast with some friends. Our booking was for one hour at 8am and we had to vacate the table by 9am. Our favourite breakfast venue is Hot Shott and it had undergone a renovation and doubled in size just before the virus sent us into lockdown. While it was weird sitting at a table for six with only 4 other seated customers, it was easy to talk as there was hardly any background noise. A constant parade of dogs and puppies passed the cafe as it seems everyone who could adopted a new pet for lockdown. A couple of our friends came back to our place to visit with Blue and Tilly. I then headed to Coles to do the grocery shopping. Blue suckles my finger so I decided to try him on a baby's dummy and he took to it immediately.

I gave Blue a bit more of a trim getting him used to the clippers, then washed the Jeep before going to visit a friend to see how big her 5 month old Bengal kitten has grown since I first saw her. She is quite a bit bigger than Tilly and has a beautiful coat, obligingly posing for photographs. 

On the drive home I stopped to take this photo of part of the Surfers Paradise skyline from a different angle.

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