Busy Day with the New Kids

We have decided to change Lilly's name to Tilly which suits her better and the consonant helps get her attention. Bobby Blue will be known as Blue. Last night Tilly quietly protested about being locked in her crate, but her mewing can be ignored at this stage. Blue on the other hand absolutely screams the house down if he is locked in a crate so that is going to be our first challenge. He slept on the floor beside me with his head between my shoes, but I had to reach down to pat him to get him settled. At this age the main reason for having him sleep in the crate is to stop him weeing on the carpet as we can cover the floor of the crate with puppy pads.

We were awake by 4.30am so are sleep deprived from our first night with a new puppy and kitten. By late last night Blue was trying to play with Tilly and by this morning she was rubbing her face against him so they seem to be getting on well. Instead of using one of the two choices of kitty litter we put out for her, Tilly used a puppy pad intended for Blue. By the end of the day she still had not used either kitty litter so I went to the breeder to get some litter her mother has used and sprinkled it over Tilly's clean litter. It worked!

My first outing was to Bunnings to their pet section for a scratching pole, puppy wee tray, a toy tunnel and other play things. I also bought some orange plastic "fencing" to stop both of them from being able to walk under the bed where there are electric leads that are hard for human beings to reach. I used cable ties and Tilly had more fun with those than any of the toys I had bought for her. By late afternoon I had managed to get Blue to use the puppy wee tray so am hoping I won't have to go up and down the stairs with him quite so often.

Our friends came to visit our new additions. It was good to be able to spend a little time together, albeit at the appropriate distance. At least some of the Covid-19 restrictions in Queensland are being relaxed this week. Blue is a very placid easy going puppy and I suspect Tilly will soon be bossing him around.

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